Matt Greer
Mobile: 217-415-6317
Fax: 217-476-3342
E-mail: matt@westcentralfinancialservices.com
Visit my web site!
Matt began his work in the insurance industry at Horace Mann in Springfield Illinois in 1996, and then served as an agent for Country Companies. While at Country Companies Matt worked towards getting his securities registrations with the goal of being an Investment Representative. In September of 2000 he opened our first office in the State Bank of Ashland which is now West Central Bank. Please call Matt to discuss how we can help you work toward your financial goals.
Securities offered through a Registered Representative of Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. a broker dealer, member FINRA/SIPC.
Advisory Services through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. a Registered Investment Advisor.
West Central Financial Services and Cambridge are seperate entities.